Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Interviewer Hikari Takano details his recent lawsuit with Gallo in which he was brought to court over the 2003 Free and Easy audio interview (notable for Gallo calling Spike Jonze "a rich jew"). Gallo alleged that Takano had secretly recorded their conversation without Gallo's consent and would take the lawsuit "all the way." However, thanks to Anti-SLAPP laws and Gallo's bogus legal team, Takano won the case and implies that he will now be counter suing Gallo and his lawyers. Did VG finally fake sue the wrong person?

Thursday, April 12, 2018


"Then consider the actor and male model Vincent Gallo. To promote himself and the men’s fashion line he was paid to wear, he exploited the pages of a British fashion magazine, Another Man, to make a malicious, unprovoked attack on me and Rose McGowan. (I hardly know Gallo, and was only briefly acquainted with him almost two decades ago). He brought shame on Yves Sant Laurent and their creative director Anthony Vaccarello who allowed their model to sell their clothes by a hatchet job on two survivors of sexual assault. Yves Saint Laurent and Another Man publisher Jefferson Hack shamed themselves by allowing Gallo to do this in their name without censure, or question or qualification, and silently profiting from the publicity. And they call us prostitutes? I will not allow these squalid gaslighters to go unchecked in their character assassinations. Of me, of #MeToo, of anybody. None of us should tolerate them."

Asia Argento responds to Vincent Gallo's Another Man essay.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018